Also, Mark decides to take it to Burger King and teach everyone about his new favorite TV show on HBO called VICE. Vice is a documentary style investigative show where the journalist come from famed underground street magazine called VICE. Vice has always been on the cutting edge of journalism but this new show breaks down that attempted veil and really shows you how strong the staff is and how far they will go to get the story. A great thing to learn about.
Finally a little background on the Halloween party the guys went to and eventually a discussion of how dumb it might be for EA Sports to drop Tiger Woods as an endorser of their famed golf game. All this and so, so, so much more. Its time for the Q!
(Also, OVERTIME is now included in the main download for after the show is done. This way you get one smooth download and all the goodness!)
(Right Click and Save AS)

episode143_-_georgia_on_my_mind.mp3 |