But that is just the start. Mark and Producer Bobby bring up and start discussing the police/citizen interaction video from Texas where a man was dressed in the Kilt with a AR-15 over their shoulder and camera rolling. Mark and Jeff are at odds behind proper etiquette in 2015 as a person vs. the right to bare arms. This leads to another producer named Hoop joining the conversation via phone to defend the 2nd Amendment.
Next the Dept of Justice released their final findings in the Ferguson situation from August of 2014 regarding the shooting of Mike Brown. They state Darren Wilson has no case that can be brought against him and that their are dirty things in the water at the Ferguson PD. Producer Bobby, Jeff and Mark tackle the more egregious claims from the DOJ report and discuss them in full...
Finally all the constitution talk from the main show carries on over into the OVERTIME. Does our constitution need an update? Everyone discusses in the overtime section this week!