Glenn is a veteran of the Unions in the state of Missouri and currently the President of the Local UAW hall in Wentzville, MO. He also presides over 4000 people as well as thousands of other retired Union employees. Glenn discusses his career in the Union and with the auto industry, as well as his thoughts on the state of the union today.
This leads to a discussion about hobbies and things in peoples lives, when Mark, whose been searching for a rant he had, hears that Glenn is into crossfit which sends Mark off on a diatribe about crossfitters and their lifestyle and all of it (nothing personal to Glenn of course).
Eventually the original rant Mark had about Liberals helping each other out comes to the surface. Mark reached out to form some alliances and the response he heard was a telling sign of where the mindset of hardcore liberals and democrats are at. Take a listen and find out the results...
Finally Glenn hits the famous Q show Hot Seat to answer some questions and open up about himself a little more.
Enjoy all this and so much more on the new Q!