First up, Trump is being ordered to dissolve his businesses and he is becoming unhinged it seems. Trump has gon eon record to state that he wants to imprison his rivals and anyone that he doesn't like, while charging them with trreason. Mark and Jay discuss the likelihood of all of this and the fact that Trump is telling people out loud the mean things he wants to do to people. It's weird coming from a former president.
Next up is the 3rd bracket round of the Tournament of Pop Culture: Best Tv characters of all time. This time around we have Big bird entering the fray along with Arthur Spooner who is the chracter from King of Queens, but the guys mess up and think it is the name of the George Costanza's father Frank. So the guys discuss from the point of view of Frank in Seinfeld. Then again it's a simple mistake and people can write them on social media to let the guys know how dumb they are.
Finally, what is the girlfriend effect? Well Mark and Jason discuss how having a girlfrined makes you more attractive to other females. Plus the guys discuss some local fare and try to fill in the blanks on some country songs!