Well it is TIME!!! WE have reached the finale of the BEST TEEN MOVIE of all TIME and bring this Tournament to a close. We had a blast working with everyone on this one and excited to welcome Matt Krueger back to help us choose the winner of the entire bracket! Jason Kull as usual plays the final determining factor but you will see why when you listen to the show.
Also...Missouri goes full retard (and you never go full retard) like Florida and decides that the 14 people in the entire state that might be affected currently by Trans Care, well they can't have it anymore. And this reminds Mark of the Duggars and the IBLP and how christian fundamentalism works. It's all about controlling minute things to look like you are in power over others. But you really aren't, you are just an A-hole for being trashy people. This also rears it's ugly head in a emplyment discussion Mark and the guys have regarding some information that has come to light.
Finally, Mike Pence has decided he is going to throw his hat in the ring for President of the US and on his way to the pulpit, Pence threw Trump under a bus extra hard....and he deserved it. Then we play the Ranker Review game of Best Snacks between meals. And Chips and Salsa seems to be hang up for these weird dudes. They chose chips and salsa over some crazy delicious snacks...find out who wins out in the end!