Missouri State Senate candidate joins Mark Bland, Mike Eise and Jason Kull for a few minutes to discuss his senate campaign in a Red State like Missouri and what his plans are for the future of the state and country.
First up, the guys get to know a bit about Mr. Sinclair and his focus for the rest of the campaign. This includes the constituents in the district 2 area for the state of Missouri. Michael is focusing on Term Limits for judges and the SCOTUS, plus he wants to better our infrastructure and women's rights are heavily on his mind. This all gets Mr. Eise amped up to discuss the electoral college and how voting is used in the USA today. All this leads to a discussion about Uvalde and gun reform in the US, and specifically in the state of Missouri.
Then it's time for Michael to jump into the Hot SEAT and do what the others before him did...answer the questions! And he does, while also getting people amped up to change more laws and things in the USA, just off his answers alone. A candidate of merit!
Finally Mark and the guys sit back to discuss some other things that affect adults. Parenting! Mark is at home with the kids while they are summer break and he is realzing that they come to him and say they are bored more than ever before. This ties back into some discussion the guys had with Sinclair earlier in the show and how the kids or ingesting entertainment now compared to the past...will something be worked out...find out on this episode of the Q!